Smiling toddler girl

About Us

Welcome to Sheyenne Dental

Sheyenne Dental is focused on genuine patient relationships, quality of care, and fostering a comfortable, approachable environment. Our dental office aims to provide the best treatment options by employing the latest advancements in dental technology. We view our work as a partnership where you can feel confident knowing you’re receiving the best services available in dentistry, along with a treatment plan built specifically for you.

Smiling toddler girl

Be Confident in Your Smile

New Patients

The team at Sheyenne Dental looks forward to meeting you! To make your visit as efficient as possible, please use the link below to schedule your New Patient appointment. Forms and information will be sent to you electronically. We ask that you fill them out prior to your appointment. If you cannot fill out the forms beforehand, please arrive 15-20 minutes before your appointment to fill out the forms at our office.

Emergency Care

If you are experiencing an emergency such as intense pain, broken appliances, unusual swelling, or broken teeth, please call our office or schedule your emergency visit online. We will consult with you on the severity of your emergency and schedule you accordingly to see Dr. West-Roehl. Please note that we cannot guarantee procedures the day of your limited emergency exam but will do our best to treat you in a timely manner.

Payment Options

We work with MOST insurance. Our goal is always to offer our patients the most comprehensive care while offering fair fees to both patients with and without insurance.
For in-network insurance please call or email our office.

If you have specific questions regarding your coverage please call or email us at

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